Our Courses

Happy children in classroom.  The Social, Emotional and Mental Health of Children


Prevention is the Intention
Tailored to the Early Years Learning Framework and delivered in 3- and 4-year-old Kinder to Grade 3.

The program is the building blocks for social, emotional, and mental health. The program contains a GRIT assessment for parents and educators which gives a ranking of the child's GRIT and practical strategies for increasing the child's grit level.

A strong focus on EYLF level of the Gestalt Minds framework is on the Educators and how to focus on individual children who are demonstrating 'less than social behaviours' or are emotionally challenged. An important element of the framework is the incorporation of parents into the program to support them support their children who are beginning or are assessed as 'at risk'.

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Happy children in classroom.  The Social, Emotional and Mental Health of Children


Finding & Fixing
Tailored to Senior Primary (Grade 4 and above)

The program now assesses and informs children on how their brains are wired and why they feel the way they do. The program is multi layered with resources for children to understand their brain and why they behave the way they do, a PD and Educational Neuroscience module for teachers that trains the teacher on how to incorporate the key principles of Educational Neuroscience into the classroom for socially, emotionally healthy students who performing better.

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Happy children in classroom.  The Social, Emotional and Mental Health of Children


Changing Mindsets for Greater Happiness & Social Functioning
Tailored to Secondary School Years 7-12

The focus is now on assessing and altering mindsets for positive and healthy social, emotional mental health. The program explains the pains and pleasures of social life, and how the chemicals in our brain affect depressions, anxiety, impulses, and aggression. It gives students practical examples of what they can do to decrease these chemicals and increase the good chemicals that promote positive behaviour.

A teacher PD is given to help teachers understand the changing and highly active teenage brain. A key element of this level of the framework is a passive pedagogy of 'jealousy', a primary motivator for bullying and damaging behaviour in teen years.  

The Gestalt Mind's framework has been developed using Educational Neuroscience research, with significant influence from Professor Angela Duckworth, Founder and CEO of the Character Lab and whose mission is to gain insight into how children thrive, Professor Carol Dweck, American psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and founder of Growth Mindset.

A significant amount of research has been obtained from the Educational Neuroscience department of Central Queensland University. The framework is dedicated to helping children and teens better understand their minds, understand why they feel the way they do and know how to change their brains to feel better.

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Building happy healthy & clever little minds

Our programs have been built on evidence based research using the latest findings from the educational neuroscience area. A profound amount of information has been used from Central Queensland University. Professor Angela Duckworth’s research in Grit has influenced a significant amount of how we inspire and support children to be more ‘emotionally buoyant’.

Professor Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset has also motivated a significant amount of our programs and is referred to consistently throughout the programs. Simon Sinek has also inspired a significant amount of the program, whilst his work is primarily in leadership and executive management, his central ideas are immensely beneficial to teachers as leaders of their classrooms.

Central to our philosophy, our brain based approach to learning and social and emotional health is fundamentally NOT focused on aptitude tests, intelligence testings or standardised measures of learning and achievement. Instead, we help parents and teachers focus on the child, how they behaviour with peers, in the classroom, their relationship with their teacher, and their self efficacy as a measure for how they will perform academically. Once we get this right, the child will flourish on all levels, including academically.